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Picasso Tiles - SAFARI KUBBASETT 100 stk.

Picasso Tiles - SAFARI KUBBASETT 100 stk.

Verð 13.900 kr 9.034 kr Tilboð

Þroskaleikfang sem eflir ímyndunaraflið. 100 stykki í einu setti  fyrir barnið til að byggja hús, mús píramída og hvað sem því dettur í hug. Leikfang sem þjálfar lausnamiðaða hugsun og virkjar sköpunarkraft.


    Henta fyrir allan aldur, þriggja ára og eldri. Skemmtilegt leikfang þar sem fjölskyldan getur hjálpast að.


    Product Info

    DREAM BIG & BUILD BIG - No limitations, scalable to build as big as desired by adding more pieces to create the master piece. PicassoTiles in colossal styles.

    LEARNING BY PLAYING - Never too early to start developing kids creativity. Children can acquire strong sense of color, geometrical shapes including 3D forms numbers counts, magnetic polarities & architectural design at early age.

    BONDING BY PLAYING - Entertaining for single or multiple parties and feel the sense of achievement together. Suitable for all ages (3+ and up) by one party of in groups a great way to spend quality time with the family and love ones..

    LEARNING IS FUN - Encourage creativity which is the key factor to success in today's ever-changing environments. Fun and entertaining, perfect educational presents for school age children that will never go out of style.

    CREATIVITY BEYOND IMAGINATION - Magnet Building Tiles Clear 3D color Magnetic Building Blocks Playboards for preschool, pretend play and more. Easy to construct and easy to put away for storage.

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    Haki e.
    Iceland Iceland

    Veru Good and nice

    Steinunn H.
    Iceland Iceland

    Rosalega skemmtilegir kubbar! Börnin alveg elska að leika með þá!